Saturday, February 04, 2006

Family, per se...

fam·i·ly ( P )
n. pl. fam·i·lies
1)A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.
2)Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.
3)All the members of a household under one roof.
4)A group of persons sharing common ancestry.
5)Lineage, especially distinguished lineage.
6)A locally independent organized crime unit, as of the Cosa Nostra.

Personally, I like #6.

Websters has several available definitions for 'family'. And, they each enbody a small part of what I have always known family to be. Or, used to know family to be.

I would like to add a #7 to the list, because I have seen in my life that family is so much more simple. I've seen that it's not about being parents and children, sharing common values, where you reside, your blood line (cursed as it may be), or, even your organized crime unit.

FAMILY= People who love eachother. Unconditionally.

And, I love mine.


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