Wednesday, September 04, 2002

"Uncertainty in the face of powerful, uncontrollable forces is frightening
under the best of circumstances. At that moment we are faced with a
momentous choice: we can descend into anxiety-ridden confusion, or we can
reach out for our faith to sustain us and give us strength to continue.

Faith is beyond reason; it fills the gap when you don't know what to do
or what's going to happen. It's the choice to go on living, even in the
face of death. It's the willingness to take a risk, even when the odds
are against you. It's a gift you receive and a choice you make. It's the
belief that in the most uncertain and difficult circumstances, whether
you can see it or not, there is purpose.

Fear and worry are needless and unproductive. Living in fear will
accomplish nothing and keep us from achieving our potential. Success is
empty and unsatisfying without faith. Without faith, life has no purpose
or direction, and the good life is impossible."

Rich DeVos


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