Thursday, October 17, 2002

Okay- funny story from last night. Not so funny last night, but today, slightly humorous... Imagine you are somewhere in Northern California. Your shift at the Gap has been cancelled. You have no plans. So you decide to throw on the old sweats and talk a walk. While lacing your shoes, your ever-so-sweet dog comes and lays at your feet. She lifts her head and stares lovingly at you with her chocolate brown eyes. It is as if she knows what is going on, and she wants to come also. Alright, you say, and you grab her leash. Now, thinking intelligently, one knows that it is impossible to 'walk' with your dog. Dogs like to run. And, come to think of it, so do you. Atleast you used to. So, off you go, running down the street at 6:15, just about dusk. The sky is beautiful, and the cool air on your face reminds you that it is FINALLY fall. You cautiously prepare to cross over to the last leg of the run. You begin to travel down perhaps the busiest street in your hometown around 7:00. It is packed with cars and trucks, and vehicles of all sorts. You have a sneaking feeling that people are watching. I mean, wouldn't you look at the crazy girl running with her dog during rush hour... Anyways, imagine this very silly girl, as her dog begins to freak out just a bit. She takes a dive onto the pavement, face first. Luckily the driver sees the girl, and the brakes are working fine on the massive diesel truck. Her life is spared. As I am sure you have guessed, it was my life that was spared. And the strange thing was, nobody stopped to see if I was alright, they just kept on driving. I got up quickly, assessed the damage to my clothes and newly exposed skin. Just a little road rash. I stumbled the rest of the way home. Today, I am left with a very swollen and bruised knee, some minor scrapes, and a bit of rug burn (from my sweatpants). But, hey I am alive... And still a bit perplexed...


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