Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Regardless of the fact that I am only 20, I have a lot of ‘life experience’. I don’t claim to be wise, to have all the answers, or anything like that. I learn everything the hard way. Hopefully my kids won’t be like me. Provided I ever have them, this is what I would want then to know… Life is not fair. Don’t expect it to be, and you will never be disappointed.
Not everyone will like you. That is okay.
The past cannot be changed. Get over it and move on.
Grace is sufficient. Anything more makes us arrogant.
Tomorrow may never come- for you or someone that you love. Make today count.The only attitude you can control is your own. You must remain positive and keep a heavenly perspective.
You are not perfect. No person is. Find something special in everyone, and strive to love him or her unconditionally.The golden rule should be platinum.
We can’t choose the family we were born into, but we can choose our friends- and they can mean more than anything.
You are not what you wear, what you drive, who you date, or are friends with. You am a child of God. And you are loved.
Whether you feel it or not, Christ is truth. Simple as that.
People and things can bring brief happiness, but only Jesus can mend a shattered heart and complete your very being.
You are not your own. You were paid for with the highest price.Popularity is overrated, and patience is a virtue.
You can only operate out of fear for so long. Eventually, you need to start walking in faith.
Asking for help does not make you weak, it makes you human.
Laugh when it is time to laugh. Cry when it is time to cry. Dance when it is time to dance. Let your heart be the judge.Happiness is relative.


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