Saturday, February 15, 2003

I feel like I could write for hours. It has been far too long since my fingers have slid along the keyboard, guided only by my heart.
My only problem is that I have no idea where to begin...

One of my best friends got engaged on Friday. I predicted that it would happen. I called it as usual. I was the first friend she called. I cried, and screamed. I am so excited for her! She is my heart, and she deserves this. I also shows me the goodness of God. He wants to bless us, and for us to be happy. But he wants us to be filled with His joy, and sustained with Him, first. I see that in this couple. They truly seek Him, and look what he has done. It makes every heartache she ever had worth it. I know someday I will be there too.

It seems like nothing else I write matters. The bottom line is everything belongs to the Lord. He is good and faithful, and he LOVES us. If I remember nothing else about this Valentines day, I want to remember this moment, when all I see is my Lord. In light of Savior, nothing else matters.


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